Biblioteca Esotérica Herrou Aragón

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Biblioteca Herrou Aragón > Parapsicología > Radiomind. Mastery of the mind's mighty mechanism. The scientific conquest of Life

Radiomind. Mastery of the mind's mighty mechanism. The scientific conquest of Life

Cherenzi, Omar

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23.00 USD | 20.00 €


Facsmil. California edition, 1946. It also contains The multi-millions' secret powers. Cosmind. Atomind. A cosmic power to surpass atomic energy. Abridged course of applied radiomind. 86 pages, 16x24 cm.


Mind, or “Mindology”. Radiomind practice. Mental creativeness. Electronics. The radiomind system. Hot to make use of radiomind. Psychotechnique of self-superation. Biopsychosomatic chart. Creative mantrams. The cosmocrator. Tatwas correspondence chart. Radiomind communications. Notices: Universal spiritual union; The cosmic embassador, The cosmic oracle, The cosmic call, Cosmograms, The cosmic voice, Cosmocracy, Maha Yoha Sabha